

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Writing, Writing, and Writing

Writing now days, seems like is the most expressional media to “speak up”. By the composition of good language and well-structural text writing is the most reliable thing to do. The development of technology makes writing is more easier, faster and cheaper, to be published in public. Let’s say this blog for example. More people are interested to express their mind in blog, proofing the big number of blog providers on the Internet. Some people use it for persuasion, promotion, propaganda, but most of people uses as the place to tell their daily stories.

The most interesting about writing is, we can keep it as our history. Writing could document people activities from they were a child until they’ve grown up. It also taught us to be creative and more diligent in using the correct words for each expression that we want. It could trigger a lot of new kind of word expression. Just read a lot of local or international magazine. They could express the news to be easier to read, from the usual complicated and pandemic tragedies. Or, let’s say a hip-hop musicians, who are usually use a lot of “slang words” to express their critics or lifestyle.

The development of writing is one cause of the development of information technology of the globalization era. Like my quote I added in the sidebar, tells you that now days, being smart is easy, cheap and reliable. The information just could be read by anyone without seeing the class of social statue. People will be satisfied with something in short length that drives you into the pop culture.

The thing that I usually concern is about the content of the writing. With more easier we express and our mind in writing, and publish it, the more less we could find any deep and meaningful content of writing. This has the same effect as the other type of medias, such as television and radio broadcast. The content is about satisfying the commercial advertisement or other business action. If this just go on, the “korban media” / “victims of media” could drives people into commercial minded. That’s why a lot of teenagers now days are searching for some more idealist artist to favor. The smarter teenage with all the expose of information by the development of information technology, they seems ignoring the action of commercialism. It’s because they’re already known what is the purpose of each commercial’s propaganda’s and persuasions to pursue people.

From this situation, we could possible seeing the kids are reading some politics news or magazine, such as Time or Tempo. It’s because the children who always want to know, are searching for the new “trends”. Yes, I say “trends”, because the “do it yourself” and “gue banget” spirit / “it’s my style” spirit is being taught and integrate to the children by the free and reliant of information. They want to be different by knowing the information that is usually consume by the experts. Kids next we can found who has the ability to talk like a lawyer, or to promote like an undergraduate marketing major.

Well, for instant we could see that it’s full of satisfaction. Especially for parents who realized / doesn’t realized that they have very smart and talented children. The point is, if the information isn’t being “drink as dosage”, it will harm children’s psychology. The children wouldn’t feel happy in their kid’s life, because they’ve consume a lot of information in their young life. It could distract their attention to their formal study, which is their first priority t school.

The appreciation of study (which could be seen on the media) seems are getting more and more less. Media, which is getting more freedom to talk, just expose the commercial purposes that will came up money. The commercial things should be carefully taught to the kids, to make them not ”commercial minded” in their young age. To the teenage, I suggest that, we should be more creative and close our mind to God to give us the good way to run life.

Write in the good way to make the children study in the right way!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Filosofi Kopi

Judul Buku:

Filosofi Kopi, Kumpulan Cerita dan Prosa Satu Dekade, 1995-2005
Penulis: Dee (Dewi Lestari)
Penerbit: Gagas Media
Tebal: 134 Halaman
Peresensi: Tri Handoyo

Dee, penulis novel ternama Indonesia lewat novel serial best-sellernya Supernova ini berhasil mengompilasikan kumpulan sastra cerita maupun prosa selama satu dekade sejak tahun 1995 sampai 2005 dalam sebuah “Filosofi Kopi” yang namanya diambil dari salah satu karya yang juga disajikan dalam buku ini.

Sebagian besar cerita yang terkandung dalam “Filosofi Kopi” lebih cenderung mengungkapkan tentang ekspresi cinta, serta gejolak individu melalui tokoh-tokoh cerita berkarakter kuat. Kandungan unsur emosi yang cukup dalam, namun dengan penggunaan kata-kata sehari-hari yang tersusun rapih, membuat karya sastra ini cukup mengalir untuk dibaca. Tidak salah bahwa sang penulis sendiri menyarankan “Filosofi Kopi” sebagai karya sastra yang cocok menjadi teman saat bersantai minum kopi.

Di dalamnya, kita dapat mencerna carik-carik tulisan Dee dengan ciri khasnya yang banyak menggunakan metafora, yang dipadu dengan gramatikal yang tersusun rapih, yang tanpa mengurangi unsur sastra yang ada.

Dari karya sastra Dee yang terbagi atas 18 bagian cerita yang ditulis pada periode tahun yang berbeda-beda ini, kita dapat melihat perkembangan tulisan Dee dari waktu ke waktu, serta meneliti pola pikir Dee mencari jati diri terhadap gaya menulisnya. Namun, “Filosofi Kopi” sendiri tidak disusun berdasarkan periode waktu penulisan, melainkan disusun berdasarkan makna dari masing-masing karya penulisan. Mungkin hal ini ditujukan untuk meraih unsur klimaks dalam karya sastra.

Perpaduan unsur intrinsik serta ekstrinsik juga sangat mempengaruhi ilustrasi pada setiap cerita dalam buku ini. Seperti pada istilah yang dapat kita temui pada prosa “Rico de Coro” yang ditulis Dee tahun 1995, yang bercerita tentang kehidupan sebuah kerajaan kecoa di suatu rumah. Karya tersebut bercerita tentang satu anak kecoa bernama Rico yang jatuh cinta dengan salah seorang anak penghuni rumah bernama Sarah. Rico hampir diberi nama “Tak Tik Boom” (nama sebuah kuis populer di televisi era tahun 1995) oleh bapaknya Hunter yang sering menonton televisi karena tinggal di sebuah lubang dekat televisi. Atau pada prosa “Filosofi Kopi” yang ditulis tahun 1996 tentang seorang barista yang sangat terobsesi dan menganggap kopi sebagai belahan jiwanya, yang diperankan oleh Ben sebagai tokoh utama menggunakan kata ganti orang kedua, dan Jody sebagai tokoh pendamping menggunakan kata ganti orang pertama. Prosa diatas menggambarkan kondisi sebelum krisis moneter tertulis bahwa mata uang Rp 50 sampai Rp150 masih berlaku di pedesaan.

Buku ini dapat dibaca untuk segala kalangan pembaca dari mulai pemula maupun cakap. Namun, buku ini sangat cocok bagi pembaca sastra pemula yang ingin mendalami karya-karya sastra ke tingkat selanjutnya. Tata bahasa yang mengalir, cerita-cerita penenang jiwa, serta prosa-prosa mendalam, merupakan keunggulan utama “Filosofi Kopi”. Fisik buku yang tidak terlalu tebal, juga merupakan satu poin keunggulan “Filosofi Kopi” dari buku karya-karya sastra yang lain.

Tidak salah, pakar-pakar penulis ternama tanah air seperti Arswendo Atmowiloto, Manneke Budiman, FX Rudy Gunawan, serta Goenawan Mohammad, memberikan ulasan yang baik terhadap karya sastra ini.

Ada beberapa prosa yang mungkin bagi pembaca pemula mungkin terasa cukup berat, karena menampilkan unsur emosi yang cukup dalam. Namun makna tersirat dalam “Filosofi Kopi” masih cukup jelas untuk dipahami. Gabungan cerita dengan prosa mungkin terasa tidak saling berhubungan satu sama lain dan megedepankan unsur emosi, makna-makna tersirat, serta klimaks dari cerita. Organisasi buku yang tidak disusun berdasarkan waktu penulisan juga sedikit menghambat pembaca yang ingin menganalisa perkembangan pandangan-pandangan tulisan (piont of view) Dee dari waktu ke waktu.

Ada dua hal yang ditekankan pada karya-karya Dee selama satu dekade ini. Keduanya adalah cinta, dan kejujuran.

Monday, October 09, 2006


Tri Handoyo himself has create his "public personal" blog to all of you. It have just been developed last week.

Check it out!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Tri Handoyo's Quote

Friday, September 22, 2006 - Karya Tuna Netra

It’s a great achievement for Indonesia to have very talented youth who exist in this globalization era. Internet is one of the most reliable technologies to be able to access lots of web sites. Although we seen most of them are ordinary, this one is a very special one. This is the website that is fully develop by Indonesian inclusion student., (Karya Tuna Netra) the web which is develop by Irawan Mulyanto, M. Ikhwan Toriqo, Dimas Prasetyo Muharam, and Aris Yohanes E, as the administrator, (two at the last are my school friends at Sixty Six High School) shown the high potential of Indonesian youth to be able to compete with this globalization competition. The name “Kartunet” is taken from the fact that all the developers of this web are all blind person. The web is about the media for appreciation. Not only blind person who is the members of this web, but it’s open for everybody who wants to publish their creation on the web.

We could send some poetry, short story, critics, or any kind of writing that they will publish it to all of us. If we see in a long term, this media could make their own market that will be loved and joined by lots literature, or journalist lovers. If you see the design of the web, you will be amazed by the system that is working inside the web. They’ve used language such as PHP, MySQL, CSS, and Javascript beside the basic language, HTML. The web also featured standard commercial web facilities such as Guest Book, Opinion, Search Engine, Weather Forecast, Web Statistic, Polling, Music, and other professional commercial web feature.

Inside the web, we could see their creation such as short story, poetry, critics, and any kind of writing in the level that we cannot describe it as beginner. We can read some interesting stories from Ari titled “Ucup Yang Bodoh” / “Stupid Ucup”, some sharp and inspirational critics “Masihkah Ada Nasionalisme Kita?” / “Do We Still Have Our Nationalism?” or “Perjuangan Yang Patah” / “Broken Fighting Spirit” from Dimas Prasetyo Muharam arguing about nationalism and the development of Indonesia, or some connected stories from Rafik Akbar. also features editorial about politics, economy, social, sports, culture & art, computer, and some entertainment feature such as games and zodiac.

This web is fully developed free and not profit-oriented, and the developers are learning the language by autodidact. The thing that I amazed about the design of the web, they could arrange the template as a very user-friendly to the visitors. We could see the feature such as Guest Book, Comment Sheet, Web Statistic and Polling which are fully designed by them. Although it’s all dominated in Indonesian Language, (because they want to have local traffic first), they have lots of international visitors from neighbor countries such as Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia, and other continent in the world such as Puerto Rico and Sweden. It has been a symbol of “modern fight” in the future, to be able to compete with “modern colonizer” which is knowledge and creativity.

If we see the situation in Indonesia, the government is still seems to ignore the existence of disability people. They are still not seeing the potential of disability people, which fortunately can make great name for Indonesia. Only some foundation that supports disables persons to exist in Indonesia. is one of the media that shown the existence of blind people in Indonesia, which is still ignored by the problems of politics and economy that never ends. The government must be able to give appreciation for the people who brought good names for the country, to motivate them to keep doing the job, or at least to make them stay at Indonesia.

Their disability is not being their barrier to exist in this globalization era., which is fully, develop by a group of blind people in Indonesia, shown that everything that we want and do it with work hard, must be able to achieve it. This is one of example that everyone must be ready to face the globalization era, as people point of views, grow to be more selective and tight, that globalization era is not seeing people from it’s expertise anymore, but they would see creativity to develop a new innovation in the future.

They have one point to say, in "Tentang Kami" / "About Us":

"Walau kami mengatakan bahwa website ini dibuat sebagai wadah karya tunanetra, namun, kami mengharapkan hasil kreatifitas dari seluruh masyarakat dapat dipublikasikan melalui website ini."

"Although we said that this web site is filled with creations of blind persons, we also hope that people creativity could also be publicized in this web site."



Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A Piece Of Broken Plectrum

Here is a piece that I just draw for Broken Plectrum.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Writing Is Like Math

Have you ever practice math alone and by yourself? Have you ever realized that practicing math needs lots of patient and strong psychology? Yes, this is my problem why I haven’t updated Broken Plectrum for such a long time! Well, I felt a lot of pressure from my environment nowadays and it makes me cannot write even a paragraph to Broke plectrum. Well, here we go, I should develop my inner strength to be able to write to you all. I hope my writing could be useful to all of you!

Nowadays, I often listening to Pure Saturday and I watched Pure Saturday Night as the flyers I’ve been posted it before. Well it was a fabulous performance by Pure Saturday and I think it’s the best Pure Saturday performance I’ve ever saw. Suar (ex-Pure Saturday’s Vocalist) came to sing lots of Pure Saturday’s original masterpiece, and it was very meaning full to me. If you check my list, you could find what a Pure People (Pure Saturday’s fans) I am. :)


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Communist Vietnam rides consumer boom

By Bill Hayton
BBC News, Hanoi

Busy road in Hanoi
Confidence is returning to Vietnam

Vietnam has one of the fastest growing economies in the world - an impressive achievement for a country which, just 20 years ago, was mired in poverty and economic crisis.

Now an exhibition has opened in the capital Hanoi to show young visitors what life was like for their parents and grandparents under the old communist system.

The first thing visitors to the Ethnology Museum see is a mock-up of a food queue.

In the 1980s, under what was called the subsidy economy, food - and almost everything else - was rationed.

Back then the combination of war, US economic sanctions and a communist system in which the government decided who could buy what, meant that even bicycles were in short supply.

One visitor, Ngo Van Duc, remembered what that meant.

"When you wanted to buy a bike, even if you had the money, you had to wait your turn," he says.

"If you wanted spare parts you had to do the same thing."

'Better life'

Under the subsidy system you could only buy your assigned portion - now you can buy whatever you want, so long as you have the money
Nguyen Quang Hao, businessman

This is the first time that any public institution in Vietnam has turned such a critical eye on the past, and the exhibition has been hugely popular.

The museum's director, Nguyen Van Huy, says he wants visitors to take home a particular message.

"People will see that the subsidy system no longer worked," he says. "It constrained the creativity of the people and it made life harder than it needed to be.

"People needed reform to have a better life."

Things began to change in Vietnam almost exactly 20 years ago with the death of the then communist leader, Le Duan.

Under him, Vietnam had beaten the US but suffered the consequences: a stagnant economy with inflation soaring to 700%.

Things had to change - in particular Le Duan's policies.

Ration cards

Le Duan
Le Duan led the Vietnamese Communist Party for 26 years

These days Le Duan is a controversial figure. There are no monuments to him in Hanoi, in contrast to the thousands in honour of his predecessor Ho Chi Minh.

Just a single street is named after him.

It's hard to believe that people once queued for food in Hanoi's streets - but one building neatly demonstrates the transformation.

Above the shop fronts the old lettering reveals its former function.

It used to be a government store where people waited with their ration cards to buy food.

Nguyen Quang Hao used to work here then, but now he runs the place as the owner of a successful private business.

"Under the subsidy system you could only buy your assigned portion," he says. "You couldn't have more than that. Now you can buy whatever you want, so long as you have the money."

Nouveau riche

Well stocked Vietnamese shop
No more queues - many shops are now full of goods

Vietnam's achievements in the past 20 years stack up. The rate of poverty has halved, the population is literate and relatively healthy and living standards have vastly improved.

But the incomes of those at the bottom aren't rising as quickly as those at the top.

While some eke out a living on the streets, others are living a flashier lifestyle.

Just around the corner from Le Duan Street, old French colonial villas are being turned into consumer stores.

And in a country where the average wage is $700 a year, Hanoi's nouveau riche are buying the latest electronic accessories.

In one mobile phone shop they sell up to 10 phones a week at $2,200 each, mostly to state officials and big business people.

Communist legacy

On the streets of Hanoi, it can be hard to tell that this is still a communist state - so how communist is modern Vietnam?

Exhibit at Hanoi's Ethnology Museum
Bicycles were in short supply 20 years ago

It's still ruled by the Communist Party, the state still controls almost half the economy and the government puts a strong emphasis on reducing poverty.

However, even some people working for the government argue that the real communist legacy is the continuing effort to try to control almost every aspect of life.

Vo Tri Thanh, from the Central Institute of Economic Management, says the country's psychology needs to change.

"The legacy is in a way of thinking, of developing policy," he argues.

"This is a very serious obstacle for Vietnam to continue reform."

Vietnam's urban youth are enjoying the spoils of economic freedom and for the time being aren't questioning communist rule.

But things are changing very fast in Vietnam and the Communist Party still has to demonstrate that it can answer the questions posed by an increasingly capitalist society.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Independence Day

Happy Independence Day Indonesia!

Karangan / Ciptaan : H. Mutahar

Tujuh belas agustus tahun empat lima
Itulah hari kemerdekaan kita
Hari merdeka nusa dan bangsa
Hari lahirnya bangsa Indonesia

Sekali merdeka tetap merdeka
Selama hayat masih di kandung badan
Kita tetap setia tetap setia
Mempertahankan Indonesia
Kita tetap setia tetap setia
Membela negara kita

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Congratulation Pramadewa Gugus Depan Sixty Six High School

Sixty Six High School Scout enters Tempo Magazine, 20 August 2006

I must be proud being a Sixty Six High School student because, fortunately my school is being published by the best national & political magazine, Tempo Magazine (which has the same status of Time Magazine in U.S.) as The most dicipline and active scout organization of all Jakarta 2006.


Tempo Magazine

Friday, August 11, 2006

Pure Saturday Night!

A nice show for Pure People!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

45th Anniversary of Scout Indonesia and 21st Anniversary of Pramadewa

Celebrating the 45th Anniversary of Scout Indonesia and 21th Anniversary of Pramadewa Gugus Depan Indonesia, which based in Sixty Six High School, Scout Extracurricular made some kind of volunteer event to the students, which is blood donation. They invited a minibus of Palang Merah Indonesia (Red Cross Indonesia) to do blood donation to everybody who wants to voluntarily donate their blood to the people who are in need. The event started at 10.00AM in the morning, and being participated by lots of school members, not only the teachers and the school committee, but also the students.

Palang Merah Indonesia’s (PMI) minibus carried 2 persons of doctor, 2 persons of nurses, and a person who does the registration. It also carried 4 folding bed, which is used for making blood transfusion. The PMI team, were also being helped by the Scout team to do the preparation. The event took place in the Common Room of Sixty Six High School. The events went on for 2 hours until 12.00AM.

On this event, I did the first time blood donation, which was making me very proud of myself! :) I was qualified to do the blood donation, which is:

1st I am 17 years old.
2nd I am in healthy.
3rd My weight is over 45 kg.
4th My blood pressure is OK. (110/80)
4th I am not pregnant. (of course lahh...!)
5th I am brave! :)

For the sequence of doing the blood donation, first, we must fill the PMI's registration with personal data. Second, the nurse will check out our registration, and tested our blood category. Our blood sample will be taken from one of our finger, which is stuck by some disposable tool. I have an O type of blood, which is I think is the most common blood category as an Indonesian. Then, our blood pressure will be tested, and the doctor will confirm us if we qualified to donate our blood, or not. Gratefully, I got the blood pressure of 110/80 and qualified as the volunteer! Next, we have to queue for our turn to transfer our blood.

When I saw most of my friends, blood transfusion looks like it’s kind of hurt. But as a man (or a boy), I must be brave of doing this and I must think about everyone who needs these bloods. :) Finally, after my friend Rekha, finished his blood transfusion, now it’s my turn to do it. Well, fortunately I wasn’t scared at all when I do the blood transfusion. Maybe, it’s because all the support of my friends who were accompanying me to do the blood transfusion. Thank you all! The transfusion took my blood for 250cc, and went on for about 5 minutes. After that, the doctor packed my blood with my name and my blood category written on it. Then, I received a donor card from the registration, as a legitimation for doing blood donation. The doctor thanks me for the donation, and pleased me to go to the temporary kitchen to take some meal that PMI’s team has served. I got a bowl of noodle soup, with a bowled egg, plus a glass of chocolate milk, and a glass of water. Mmm, it tasted nice!

I think as an Indonesian, we have a very high characteristic of unity, as we have high interest of social activities, such as this blood donation event. As I saw on the field, people look like very enthusiast to be the volunteer of this event, as the queue continued to increase for almost 100 volunteers. But, finally the PMI team made to transfuse for about 70 packs of bloods with different blood types of A, B, O, and AB, which were being kept on a temporary fridge.

From this event, I just can say that, Scout team has a huge sense of social, by inviting Palang Merah Indonesia, by arranging a blood donation event at Sixty Six High School in celebrating their 45th anniversary, and 21st Pramadewa Gugus Depan anniversary. It really meant a lot to me personally, as the first time I be a blood donator. I hope this event, could be annually arranged, to be able to help other people who are in needed our blood. I also hope that in this 45th anniversary, Scout Indonesia could develop the system and promotion, to make people more interest to join Scout, and be one the best organization in Indonesia.

Thank you, and long live Scout Indonesia!


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

2nd Champion of Schoolimpic Web Design Competition

Thank you for all the readers who have read Broken Plectrum’s posts and appreciate the design of this Blog / Podcast. Well, Alhamdulillah, I could get the second winner of web design competition in Schoolimpic (one of the most favorite school competition in Jakarta, which is arranged by Eight High School). Truly, I am honored to be the second winner of this competition, because I myself only learn the very basic of web from modificating my own blog! ( Seriously! From here, I learn a bit of CSS and Javascript, and I just applied it to my web! Fortunately I won the second winner from competition, which leaded from Twelve High School, but lost from Thirteen High School.

Sixty Six High School brought 3 candidates for the Web Design competition and I was so sad that two of my friends who are Gioz and Wibi, doesn’t get any trophy from this competition, which I could say they would deserved it, because they have more expertise in designing web, rather than me. My friend Gioz, has lots of experience of computer in general, and has expertise lots of computer design’s software such as Adobe Studio and Adobe Photoshop. Without him, maybe I would not even know there was a web design competition in Schoolimpic. Wibi, he has arranged the illustration of the web he wanted to make, and how he did it. I myself haven’t arranged the web about anything until I arrived on the battle, and I only used Microsoft FrontPage to design the web. Well maybe it’s not your time to deserve the wining, and if you have the spirit of winning that you grow it from now, it would not be impossible if you can win the other competitions. I just can quote Mr. Roni Patinasarani’s argument that “Luckiness is one factor that can guarantee people’s live”. If you haven’t deserved it now, maybe you can get it next time.

M. Iqbal from Thirteen High School, North Jakarta, design a very catchy banner from Adobe Flash, mixed with Adobe Dreamweaver, and have lots of superiority of web design itself. The third winner from Twelve High School (I didn’t know the name, because she doesn’t want to share with us!) has superiority in art, that she designed it with Flash and HTML. I made web about Sixty Six High School with all the reviews about school activities with added pictures and videos that I have made it for my blog. We were able to bring the material of the web (text, pictures, videos) from home, but we are prohibited to bring any HTML stuff to the battle. Well, this rules was very beneficial for me that I can fill my web with the reviews that I have made about Sixty Six High School (and some of them I’ve published on this blog). Because of that, maybe the judges decided my web as the second winner because the web was superior of the content of the web. I got Rp500.000 from the committee, as the second winner of Schoolimpic Web Design Competition. It’s well worth from sitting in front of the computer for 9 hours non-stop. :)

From this post, I could say that making blog is very beneficial to all of you!

Long live bloggers!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Sixty Six Extracurricular Show 2006

As the day we were going back to school, at the new school year, our school is presenting some kind of yearly program to promote our school extracurricular to the new students. Every extracurricular in our school were showing and promoting their activities and program by presenting their action in the main field of Sixty Six High School.

After the clock ticks to 10.00 in the morning, our Vice President for Sixty Six High School announced the student from the microphone that there will be an extracurricular promotion, and our school subject is being postponed until the next day. That’s a sign that we were officially “free” from school subjects at that day. After the school bell rang, the entire students went downstairs to see the action of every extracurricular shows that are promoted in the main field.

The crowd started to increase when the Paskibra (Pasukan Pengibar Bendera) 66, as the first extracurricular, were entering the main field. They were showing their firmness and corporation as the team who does the national ceremony. Each member of the Paskibra 66, has done a lot of phase of qualification to be the “youth of the nation”, and each member of the Paskibra at schools in Indonesia, has the chance to lead the National Independence Day Ceremony in Istana Negara, and being watch by the President Republic of Indonesia. It’s not only about the prestigious of the chance to be able to perform at the National Independence Day Ceremony in Indonesia, this extracurricular is added in every high schools in Indonesia, but the member of Paskibra is also being treated leadership. The person who has entered Paskibra is usually had more inner strength and well corporation in organization. One of our school Paskibra’s candidates had entered the level of South Jakarta Mayor as the person who brought the Sang Saka Merah Putih (National Red-White Flag) to be waved in front of the South Jakarta Mayor Office. His Name is Rian. He is also an XII class student from science.

Paskibra 66 Paskibra 66 1

After the Paskibra 66 team performed their move and shows their lines and formations, now it’s turn for the Boy’s Futsal and Basketball 66 team to promote their extracurricular in the main filled. The main field, seems like filled with people with “Sixty Six” tags on their shirts. Mixed between soccer and basketball, both of them are presenting their school activities by performing some attractive action on the field. For the Boys Futsal 66 team, they were doing juggling, penalty shooting, attacking, defending, and other varieties of actions that attract people around the field. On the half-side of the Sixty Six main fields, the Boy’s Basketball Team didn’t want to lose attention from the Boys Futsal Team on the other half-side of the team. They did some lay-ups, free throws, and other corporation strategies that they developed to score some interesting goal. Both of the team, seems competing each other getting most of attention from Sixty Six students who watched the show.

Boys Futsal & Basketball 66

The next turn is for the Girls Soccer 66 Team and the Girls Soccer 66 team to present their talented action in the main field. As both Girls and Boys teams either from soccer and basketball perform their action on the main field, the student from Music Extracurricular were filling the “gap” with performing their bands to play some attractive music, local and international.

Girls Futsal 66

Next, is the Break Dance Extracurricular show. They performed lots of kind of break dance styles from the western street style, until Capoeira. I think at this extracurricular show, Break Dance didn’t show their total performance, because, I think they themselves were lack of preparation. They did the break dance on the ground not without any protection for their heads or using pads. They also didn’t use any soft surface for doing handstands and other kinds of freestyles. Well, at least, they tried to do the best for the performance, and I can tell that, they have the guts to perform in front of hundreds of students.

Break Dance 66 Break Dance 66 1

After the Break Dance thanks to the spectators as they finished their performance, it’s time for the team from Pramuka / Scout Extracurricular to promote their activities to the new students. I could say that Scout Extracurricular is the most well prepared extracurricular show. A day before, scouts team did a lot of preparation for the team performance, such as ropes that have hanged on to 2 walls in the third floor, and continuous training on the Scout Room on the second floor. They presented us some spectacular shows, such as escaping person from the hill (which presented with the rope that has been prepared before), which attracted a lot of people to see them closer, (you can check it on the picture!) or doing some downhill from the third class, and some hiking and camping demonstration on the main field of Sixty Six, such as making tents and outdoor kitchens.

Pramuka 66 Pramuka 66 1 Pramuka 66 2 Pramuka 66 3

Gugus Depan Pramuka 66 (Scout Gugus Depan) represents the show with all the alumni’s and the new comers. They both are doing some excellent show that made to attract lots of people to watch the show. The mentors who are Mr. Suganda and Mrs. Erna, seems satisfied watching the show of their mentored extracurricular. I think the new students who enters Sixty Six must enter this extracurricular, because not only Sixty Six High School itself which is the main place of Gugus Depan Pramuka in Indonesia, 66 Scout extracurricular were also offering some high quality outbound and lots of other outdoor activities which are all available in the country like Indonesia. If you want to check the further info of Sixty Six Gugus Depan Scout team, you can visit Long Live Scout Indonesia!

At the end of the Sixty Six Scout Extracurricular show, the band from Sendratasik Extracurricular (Seni, Drama, Tari, dan Musik / Art, Act, Dance, and Music) presented us 3 local songs from popular bands in Indonesia, and one of them which is “Kamulah Satu-satunya” from Dewa 19 band, has made a sing along to lots of people who watched the show. X class students seems watched the bands very enthusiast that they were just focusing on the band performance. Ratu Soraya Putri who leads the vocal, seems spontaneously sung the song that have made a good performance for the band.

Sendratasik Band

As the band ended their last song, the students from Choir Extracurricular entered the north side of the Sixty Six main fields. The Choir Extracurricular team sang 3 choir songs form traditional songs. They repackage the songs with choir touch of harmony. One of the songs, which are “Sik-Sik-Sipatumanik”, has made the Sixty Six Choir Extracurricular Team won the third position of Jakarta’s Best High School Choir 2005. The songs were accompanied by piano, which is played by one of our alumnus, Kak Dodi. Kak Dodi was a Sixty Six High School student, who is a handicap. He plays and learn piano by himself, and has accompanied a lot of musical performance from Sixty Six High School.

Choir 66

Sixty Six High School itself, accept handicap persons to study ordinary school subject as the other public schools in Indonesia. Sixty Six High School, fortunately is the only inclusion public school from South Jakarta, which accept handicap persons, mixed with normal people. I personally, salute to all the handicap persons in Sixty Six, because, they could receive school subjects that the teacher give to the student, by only using their sense of hearing, and reading. Although, they have so much limitation in their life, but they have the passion to learn, which make them survive in this globalization era. This kind of learning process, could throw up the low position of usual Indonesian handicap profession, such as massagers or beggars, into the better one in the future. It’s one of Sixty Six High School miracle! Salute!

Next, is the Palang Merah Remaja’s (Red Cross Youth) turn to represent their extracurricular to the Sixty Six High School students. With all the availability that they have, PMR extracurricular members presented their demonstration about healing and curing. They showed the “first accident action” of hand wounded, broken arm, and injured forehead. PMR student is the team who’s in charge of Medicine Room at school. They help the people who have problems with physical health. If there is some students injured and have other physical health problems, PMR students will do the “first accident action” for the person to cure the pain. PMR student will be standby at the Medicine Room, and do the job like a professional school doctor. I’ve being helped by the PMR student once, when had a broken tooth, when I was fell down from the bicycle ride to school. They just served me that kind of curing action to help decrease my pain from further bumps. And I think their aid really helps me out at that time. Long lives Palang Merah Remaja 66!

Palang Merah Remaja 66

After the Palang Merah Remaja team packaged their utilities, it’s time for the Karya Ilmiah Remaja (Science Youth Club) Extracurricular to present their activities. At this show, KIR students did some demonstration of water distillation, “magic fire”, and numbers game (I would prefer this to Sudoku, but I think the team didn’t get it.). When I confirmed the Head of KIR 2006, Nugroho Tri Sayoga, on water distillation, KIR students use a very simple tool to do it with plastic bottle, straw, and the ingredients, such as soft sands, hard sands, palm fiber, charcoal, and coral splits. At the “magic fire” show, KIR students present some kind of “magic” that they learned from chemical substances, which has the character of burning. They use newspapers as the object to be burnt with mixed chemical substances that can be burnt with only using the heat of hands, as if we saw the newspaper burnt by itself. Interesting! Last, at the numbers game, KIR students invited the viewers to join with them playing some board game, which contained with six lines and six rows of numbers. As a slide, I think this is Sudoku, but KIR students describe this as usual numbers game. At the and of the show, Erowati as the MC of KIR extracurricular show, thanked to all the viewers who have watched the show, and she hope that the viewers can join KIR at the new school year of 2006.

Kelompok Ilmiah Remaja 66 Kelompok Ilmiah Remaja 66 1 Kelompok Ilmiah Remaja 66 2

When the students from Taekwondo Extracurricular were entering the main field of Sixty Six High School, the crowds were suddenly increasing from the spectators. From the total of 6 students from the taekwondo extracurricular who enters the main field, they presented this Japanese Martial Art with added some spectacular shows, such as breaking irons. First, they do their usual taekwondo training, which most of them are using their feet to defend and attack the enemy. After that, the spectacular show, such as breaking the iron, with that kind of taekwondo style from spinning until dropkick.

See the action of Taekwondo Sixty Six High School Extracurricular!

After that, taekwondo team bent their body, to tell the viewers that it’s the end of the show, as the crowds were clapping their hands to the team.

Taekwondo 66

It’s time for Sendratasik Act Team who present their action on the field. Kelik Bayundara as the script reader presented some poetry about humanity, that being dramatized by Drama Extracurricular. The story is about confusion and personal emotion of the writer. It cast by one boy who looks like in confusion, and three girls who expressed shocked as they act like they passed out. Backing piano by Kak Dodi, really represent the emotion of the drama poetry. Sendratasik Extracurricular made to stunned lots of people to receive the emotion of Kelik Bayundara, as he received the first winner of poetry reading in Sixty Six Culture Day 2005.

Kelik Puisi 66 Drama 66

After the Sendratasik Extracurricular finished their action on the main field, it’s the Modern Dance Extracurricular time to show up their talent to pursue the new student to enter their activities, by presenting their moves and style of the dance. Fortunately, all the members of the Moderen Dance Extracurricular are all girls, and it really attracted lots of people to see the moves of the dancer. This type of dance is influenced by the Western culture, which they claimed as modern dance. Different from the Break Dance Extracurricular which most of the members is from the boys, and does more international moves, such as Capoeira from Brazil and Break Dance itself from the street culture, Moderen Dance Extracurricular does more glamour and stylish type of dance. Sixty Six Moderen dance has also appeared in Planet Remaja (Teenage Planet) at ANTV local television show, which represent one of the school candidate from Sixty Six High School.

Dance 66

Last but not least, it’s tome for Rohis (Rohani Islam / Islamic Club) Extracurricular who represent their school activities. The extracurricular, which divided into two types, which are Marawis (Musical Eastern Percussion), and Rohis member itself, has plenty of activities to offer such as Mabit, Al-Quran Club, Rohis Study Club, etc, and also activities which represent Muslims celebration day such as Month of Ramadan (a whole month that we all Muslim do the fasting), Idul Fitri (the day when we ended our whole month fasting and return our new holiness of Fitri / soul and spirit), Idul Adha (the day where we sacrifice goats, sheep’s, cows, carabao, or camel, to be donate to the poor people, as we remind the day that Prophet Ibrahim sincere to sacrifice his only one beloved son Prophet Ismail, from the order of Allah, and it suddenly traded to goat), Nuzulul Quran (the day when Al-Quran first sent to the world in the night of Lailatul Qadar), Isra Mi’raj (the day when Prophet Muhammad SAW is raised to the 7th sky), and Born of Prophet Muhammad SAW (12 Rabiul Awal Tahun Gajah / 570 M).

Rohis Marawis 66 Rohis 66

Before the show starts, the leader of Rohis 2006, Romi Setiawan did the opening and with nice greetings to all the viewers. Next, Rohis Extracurricular, represent their Marawis team to play some songs with traditional Arabian percussion mixed with traditional Indonesian percussion instruments. They played total of 3 songs which each song have the duration for about 5 minutes. As the last show of the Sixty Six Extracurricular Promotion 2006, Rohis Extracurricular ended the show with doing some kind of percussion parade as they went out from the main field.

MOS 66 1

Finally, the Extracurricular Promotion 2006 is ended by the closing ceremony of the Period of Orientation Session for the new X class students who enters the Sixty Six High School. The students were clapping their hands when Mr. Suratmin as the coordinator of the program, officially close the orientation session at the ceremony. From now on, the new student of X class has officially be a high school student, and me as the XII student must give good example to my juniors to be a good person in the future.

Welcome to Sixty Six High School!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Condolence To All The Tsunami Victims In Pangandaran

I give my condolence to all the tsunami victims in Pangandaran, Central Java, which has cause the total over 500 people died. Another disaster strokes our country again. After the traumatic feelings of Merapi Mountain, Central Java is now being “tested” again as the tsunami stroke on Pangandaran. This is the second biggest tsunami Indonesia after the tsunami that stroke Aceh, and other Asia Pacific countries.

The tsunami caused by the underwater earthquake from the Indonesian Ocean that exaggerated more than 2 meters wave from the ocean to the coast. People that should have been warned before had panic, adding some “unfinished” trauma from disaster that stroke Aceh, being washed out by the unstopable wave from the sea.

Java Tsunami, 17 July

All of the sudden, Indonesian local television news and radios broadcasted the entire incident with titles “Tsunami Strikes Again”. As an Indonesian, I think we have enough for this kind of news. We all have the same feeling about our friends in other places in Indonesia. We all pray for them, and hope for the best actions to treat their physic and mental to be back again being a normal Indonesian.

I can only seduce you all readers to, at least pray for our friends in Pangandaran and around to be able to cure from their physical and mental trauma from the tsunami, and other disasters that strokes Indonesia. If you want to help them, please donate anything that can be useful for the victims at your local area that provides donation to our area. Your donation will be used to those who are very in need.

Your tears are ours also.

As an Indonesian, I must be strong and patient to keep our live spirit on. We should live with strong heart strong spirit. Live goes on.

For Update Information, visit: BBC News.

Monday, July 17, 2006

First Day At The New School Year!

We all now, today is 18 of July 2006, the day which every student in Indonesia are going back to school, continuing the next school year. I personally enter the XII class of senior high school in Sixty Six Senior High School, precisely in XII-IPS-III (Social III). I got the absent number 34 from total 35 students in my class, and I also have the same class again with my tablemate at the XI-IPS-I. I think this class is also dominant by girls rather than boys (13 boys and 22 girls) like the same class in XI-IPS-I. I think the friends are pretty good, and until I finished the school today, I haven’t felt any “distortion” at all.

Rocky, one of my classmates is chosen to be the chief of the class that we did it on voting. He only had 2 votes’ leading from my tablemate Romi. Now, Rocky is still arranging the hierarchy of the class and (I hope) he also preparing the future plans for the class. We also had a little short brake to make each person of my classmate, recognize each other. Well, I think the committee spread every student in my class equally from the XI Social class, which made our class is more heterogeneous. Only a few of my class mate at XI class who enters XII-IPS-III class.

As the first day of the school, after the very long holiday that we had, today we only had some introduction by our new teachers that will be teaching our class. The first teacher is Mrs. Sri Hidayah. He will teach us Indonesian Language subject. My first impression about her is, she looks firm about her teaching and sticks to the school regulation very much. This will take a bit boring, but I hope she could teach better from my Indonesian Language teacher, when I was in X and XI class. The second teacher is Mrs. Tata, and she teaches us Math. The lesson hasn’t start but I think she’s kind of nice to us, and have a sense of humor. This is one point that is very important! There are only a few teachers in Sixty Six Senior High School who have the sense of humor. She is also firm, and socializes to the student. I hope Mrs. Tata could motivate us to learn Mathematics more in this XII class.

In this new school year, we also required to expert our own local knowledge in our own state. That’s why, our school adding a new subject called “Mulok” (Muatan Lokal). In this subject, we should learn about the local potential of our state, which is Jakarta (could be the language, important sites, the culture, etc.). I think the government applies this subject because; as an Indonesian, we must integrate our own culture, which is very heterogeneous, and to avoid the unwanted disassociations from the foreign countries. This is also, some kind of stance that we must have strong nationality as an Indonesian. Good point!

I cannot see the new X class student that enters Sixty Six Senior High School clearly, because our new teachers that will teach us until we finished the XII class were introducing us. But I saw them only a few times when we had school brakes. They are still in the orientation session to the school, that the Student School Organization (OSIS) must guide them to recognize their new school, which is Sixty Six Senior High School. They were using nametags, which their name is written on it, that divided into colors that differentiate every class. Their nametags were hanging on their neck as they use as a necklace. Don’t worry! Sixty Six Senior High School treated their junior very nicely, and we don’t apply any aspect of seniority in this school. We must respect each other, so as they respect us!

Fortunately, the school bell rang when the clock reach 12.30, and it’s time to go home early in this Introduction Day. So after I Shalat Dzuhur together with my friends at the Musholla, I went home and just directly write this post.

I hope I could do the best at the XII class, and Insya Allah, I could able to reach my plan in the future! Amen.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

X-H Memories

I found these lyrics in one of my notebook, which is covered with violet paper, when I was cleaning up my room, preparing for tomorrows new school year. I just realized that, this is the book that I used when I was at the orientation session when I enter Sixty Six Senior High School. The lyrics are sung when we were presenting our class in the main field.

Check this out!


Kelas kita 10-H, Ha-ha-ha
Kami datang ke sekolah
Untuk belajar dengan rajin dan mengapai cita-cita
10-H emang keren

Kami anak 10-H
Senang tertawa
Tapi kami juga senang bekerja
Kami datang kesini untuk gapai prestasi
Agar menjadi anak yang berbakti

10-H - Ha-ha-ha-ha

Just like early days nostalgia! :)

Long Live Roni Patinasarani!

If you often see world cup matches that broadcast in Indonesia, you must recognize this man. He is an Indonesian commentator of football who is commenting local and international football matches. He was a football player in the past and he has made a lot of contribution in football journey in Indonesia, especially campaigning the popularity of football itself to the public with his critical and analytical comment in every match he describe. He often uses the wise words to analyze every matches, who attracted every people to see the match more enthusiast.

In action, every match that he describe, he often adding some wise words to the public about the match which makes us learn something new about football, or maybe about life also. I was smiling when he talked about the final match between Italy and France. He talked about the 3 factors of either Italy or France can win the match. The first is the better team communication; the second is the better team fitness; and the third is luck.

First, team won’t win the match if they’re lack of communication between the players. The team won’t be able to win the match if there is at least a person on the team who doesn’t want to win. Second, each player’s fitness is tested in the final match of World Cup 2006. Both of the team played plenty of matches to reach the final, and the players must have great fitness to get the match done with their winning in his hand. Finally the third is luckiness. They’re will be no one who reach the final without any change of luckiness. Both of the team at least had one changes of luck in their road to final. See Italy when they met Australia. They won after Australia, when Totti scored at the last minute controversial penalty shot which reached the final score 1-0 for Italy. France also were given some luck when they won after Brazil with the final score 1-0. The only goal from Henry (which also includes well-corporate team communication) is also one of a change of luckiness. If you see closely, Roberto Carlos didn’t guard Henry when he took score. Critics said that it was most of Roberto Carlos fault, but in my point of view, it was also a change of luck for me.

The last factor that Ronny said is truly filled the “empty space” of “colors” in every matches. Luckiness is one factor that is guarantying the success of live, not only in football matches. In every road that we take, luckiness is waiting around us. That’s why we must always praise to god if we received anything that we want and we’ve been looking for. It won’t be happened if we haven’t receive any luck (also hard work).

We as an Indonesian, I could say that Roni Patinasarani has been an icon of Indonesian football. His contribution in Indonesian’s football has really showing the totality of life to football. He has also attract a lot of people to improve the quality of Indonesian football, whether from the football itself, or from the show business in Indonesia. He is now assigned as the Director of Futsal Education in Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) and also a commentator of local or international football matches in local televisions.

Well, I hope we could learn something new from what Roni said, and I hope Indonesian football can improves their talent to at least be able to enter the World Cup, the most prestigious football competition in the world.

Respect the Goodness!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

New Wave Of Indonesian Comedy

Slapstick was the most popular type of comedy in Indonesia. At that time, it was the most viewed TV show in the country. The popularity starts when “Srimulat” (one of the most popular comedy show on TV) broadcast in local television. The show was mixed from the traditional culture of Indonesia and the commercial type of slapstick comedy. In the show, the cast make the comedy with added some physical activities or maybe some kind of practical jokes (typical of slapstick comedy). This type of comedy was fortunately easy to reach the low economics viewers, which are claims to be the most viewers in Indonesia. From here, there is a lot of TV show that broadcast the same type of comedy show, which claimed easy to get the most viewers. The same type of comedy show in the afternoon, such as “Santai Bareng Yuuk!” is like to be some kind of “happening” in Indonesia.

This type of comedy, fortunately are evolving as the smarter mind of the Creative Section of the comedy show, and the smarter way of thinking of Indonesian. Now, the comedy show in most of television show, has broadcast the less type of “slapstick” or comedy that added some physical activities on it, although some comedy show seems like hanging out on their idealism to added some “slapstick” in their show. Now, television shows such as “Extravaganza” or “Nge-Leong Yuuk!” are the most popular type of comedy show in Indonesia, and has grabbed most of the viewers in the country. The popularity of the comedian and the unique character of every comedian at the show have attracted the viewers to be some kind of idol that will be favorites to all the viewers. This new wave type of comedy seems like to be some kind of symbol of modernism in Indonesian TV show.

In this new wave of comedy, the Creative Section of the show is the most potential person in the show. They must be as creative as possible, making such funny stories and jokes without appealing or using some SARA (Suku, Agama, Ras, Antar Golongan) / (Nations, Religion, Racism, Divisions). Expression and smart jokes are the dominant aspect of the show, covered with the well-arranged backdrop and properties. Comedy shows now days are also added some art aspect that sometime is use, in terms of making the show more filled with interesting “packaging” and unique stories to attract modern viewers. Now, they are often bands that played in comedy show to attract people to watch the show, and listen to their idol bands. People who work at the design graphics can be recruited also to decorate every different scene of the show, which is getting more creative day by day. This is totally making the comedy show are not easily got bored to watch every episode.

Although comedy shows in Indonesia has evolve, sometime, conservative jokes like “Plesetan” or say some word with the unusual meaning of the word itself. Until now, looks like this type of comedy still useful to make some kind of humor to make people laugh. We could still feel the conservative type of comedy, with still adding some traditional aspects and culture with modern type of packaging without wounding one culture. The difference and the heterogeneous of Indonesian culture seems to influenced the comedian show in Indonesia to be more interesting to watch and have plenty of variety in every show that they made.

I hope comedian shows in Indonesia can evolve to be better and better everyday and could get more creative day-by-day to keep the viewers watch the show and appreciate our own country in the positive way. I hope it also could be some kind of potential assets to the country and “perfuming” the name of the country to the world.

Keep on going comedy show in Indonesia!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

MP3 Players Would Make People Anti Social

The availability of MP3 Player in this world seems make a lot of phenomenon that we can get. Beside, the MP3 itself that cause songs to be “free to get” or “un-priced”, it seems that the MP3 phenomenon has also changed people way of life. The innovation of MP3 Player has changed the people way of listening to the music to be more “popish” and “easy to get bored”. Just see the availability of Ipod in this world. People nowadays, are easy to get this kind of technology in their daily environment. Most of the consumer is also teenagers and kids (although some adults are having it also).

If you see from the people physiology, if they are listening to the music, they would usually don’t care to their situation around. They just enjoy their music from their MP3 Players without having any responses to others. Well, maybe it’s because they cannot listen to other conversation (or maybe they are just ignores it) because they are too serious to listen to their music. Why at this term, I talked about MP3 Players, rather than CD players, or Tape Recorder? Because now days, MP3 Players are more easy to get, and usually cheaper than the other type of music players. It’s usually reachable for the middle and the high class of economy in the past, but I think now, the low class economy can afford to get those kinds of gears.

This is actually able to be some kind of threat to the youth. If we saw down the street, teenage are now are “close eared” with a pair of earphones, with some music played in their ears. As music lovers, I think that music are settled if we hear it in some kind of serious place, or at least in a place that we were able to relax and enjoy the music. Not in the public places / place where we hang out with friends or family. Music is a personal activity. If we were listening to it, we would despair the environment around us, and the activities among us.

I totally agree if those actions are important to increase the soul of the music. But I think if it’s “too much” and set in a wrong place, it will harm people psychology. People (teenage especially) who have to prefer communicate with others, are like being “walled” by music. The time for socializes, seems to be ignored, and they would prefer to listen to their favorite songs from their music players. Our youth will be lack of socialize, and develop some kind of an individualist character of people!

Giving the children some significant place to socialize and changes minds to others should stop this. The environment and the development of technologies now days seems didn’t care for children way of thinking as the youth of the nation!

We should be aware of this!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Lyrics Of The Official World Cup Anthem 2006!

Herbert Grönemeyer feat. Miriam & Amadou
-"Celebrate The Day" (English Version)-

Album: "Voices From The Fifa Worldcup" (2006)

To win again
To never stop finding
Moving as one
Is the word for home
Begin to place
Yourself in the big frame
When you dream
When you dream

[Mariam & Amadou:]
En avant pour la victoire
En avant pour la victoire
C'est le moment de l'espoir
C'est le moment de l'espoir

Let the sweet air
Fill our hearts
Walk on and celebrate the day
The day, the day the day
Celebrate the day
The day, the day the day
Celebrate the day

Grab your drums
Paint your soul
Feel the roar
and celebrate the day
The day, the day the day
Celebrate the day
The day, the day the day
Celebrate the day
The day, the day the day

To win again
To never stop climbing
The rising road
Of ultimate faith
The world in a heartbeat
When you dream
When you dream

Celebrate the day, the day, the day
Celebrate the day, the day, the day
Celebrate the day, the day, the day
Celebrate the day, the day, the day
Celebrate the day, the day, the day

Sunday, July 02, 2006

It's Post Hardcore Era!

Today is a post-hardcore genre of music era! People are stunned with this type of music nowadays! There are plenty of bands that exist in post-hardcore genre, whether international or local. The international bands such as Fugazi, Alexisonfire, Funeral For A Friend, At The Drive-In, Saosin, and plenty other bands from another country, are starting to make their band with post-hardcore genre. Also, those of the band has been the icon of post-hardcore itself to be a “different” icons for the teenage.

Well every era, has to be something to be dominate, like in the 1990’s era when Grunge are “exploding” in public with the existence of Nirvana, in Rock music industry. But is it post-hardcore, now could be as the same position as Grunge in the 1990’s? Well it could be happened if this genre is getting more and more popular to be listened and also watched.

The happening of post-hardcore genre in world’s music industry, has made the “indie” type of bands were getting more exist in the world. Their scream and whispered type of vocal, seems dominated the ear of teenagers in 2000’s. That is proven by the popularity of,, and other webzine that exist in indie scene in most of Western and Eastern countries, which are filled with the people with their interest in “cutting age” music’s. Their users are often writes at least one post-hardcore band in their favorite music (including me!). This phenomenon seems to be very happening and also beneficial to some media.

Most of my friend at school accepting that they like the post-hardcore, emo, metal, and other hardcore genre of music. Not only the boys, but some girls also have some interest about these genres. I wonder why people today are excited with “cutting edge” music’s? Is it because the media itself who dominated the scene, or maybe people today who like some kind of “distortion” in their life, which are represented with songs. Well, it looks like that every era must have the “different” scene that is dominating some people (which most of them are teenagers) that is connected with some type of lifestyle or interest in music. And they are also proud of it! Like the Metal happening in the 80’s, has absorbed many people who have interest in metal, hand made a lot of communities in their state and places. The genre of music that some point of views said that is full of contradictive, has also been a phenomenon genre until today.

Otherwise, the post-hardcore genre itself seems to be dominated by the independent scene. It’s truly worth! The dynamic and the “happening” of the independent scene in “cutting edge” music seems has influenced the development of “cutting edge” music itself. The culture that is based from the punk Do It Yourself (DIY) showed their true connection between the scenes itself and the psychology of teens, which interest in the innovative of lifestyle and culture dynamic. The media also supports new record labels, local or international to release their albums in “cutting age music” which is very supportive in indie scene in the world. They are seems to making their own market to the public.

Well, there has to be something that dominates every era because of the development of human (teenage, especially), and also the information technology. In this “pop” era, looks like everything’s are being “instant” to exist in the world. People can take reference from every thing, everyone, and anywhere they want, and act from what they want! In this era, only people who is innovative and creative who could rule the world!

Post Hardcore is one type of genre who has done it!

Friday, June 30, 2006

Guards in World Cup 2006

Do you often see the people with orange vest around the field in the World Cup Germany 2006 matches? Yes, they are the guards who taking care of security in football matches in World Cup 2006 in Germany. How pity they are! They must turn around to watch the activities of the crowds of the supporters to be secured, in spite seeing the match in the field. Well, at least they are the people who make every match in the World Cup 2006 secure and handled!


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Independent Media in Indonesia

Pure Saturday and Rocket Rockers are the pioneers and scene setter of Indie band in Indonesia. Both of them, has been exist in Indonesia since the independent movement in Indonesia were developing in the 1990’s. Why I categorized these two bands as the pioneer beside the other senior bands that have existed before them? Because, beside these two bands are my favorite bands, these two bands has made a lot of movement in their scene, and a lot of development in independent scene in Indonesia. Both of them are from Bandung, The City of Flowers, which a lot of people claimed that the artists who came from there, has some kind of buried talent that could make a lot of innovations. The city which has the most prestigious Institute in Indonesia, which is ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung / Bandung Technique Institution), are being an example for the other independent scene in other place in Indonesia. Let’s say the “distro” or “distribution outlet” that is dominated Bandung from the economical crisis era in 1997, until now. Each “distro” have their own community, which has their own characteristic and points of view. And we can found a lot of “distro”s in Bandung. How do they communicate each other, and made a scene setter? There should be some media, who can be the place of expressing their idealism, and promote their own stuff to the public. Or maybe I could say some “zine”, because of their “underground” idealism.

Well, from the reference that I took from Ripple Magazine, which the pioneer of printed Indie scene media is Trolley Magazine, Ripple Magazine has shown there existential in promoting the Indie movement in Bandung and also Indonesia. Although they were born from skateboarding and street communities in Bandung, their sellout Ripple Magazine has made a visible improvement in the quality and quantity to their independent scene, generally. The magazine that is filled with propagandas, and campaigns from local bands and products, has indirectly developed the Indonesian variety of music and lifestyle. The major labels that are only dominated with pop rock genre changed their mind to release other genres, from the people / bands who exist in Indie scene, such as Metal (Burger Kill, Sucker Head), Punk (Superman Is Dead, Rocket Rockers), Garage Rock (The Brandals, Speaker 1st), etc. Indie scene in Indonesia seems to have their own market and costumers, which is dominated by the teenagers who wants to be different to others. As the psychology of teens, which is very generous, thy just want to be different with others, and just want to make some kind of innovation to be a scene setter to their communities. This is totally being used as the independent media, to appreciate every creativities and innovation from their own communities to their own communities.

But, it looks like this independent medias were getting bigger and bigger, and more competent and competitive. The breeds of the independent media which were getting more variable, has also improves the variety of the independent media itself. The old types of independent media, which are from venues and gigs, have developed their new types and more efficient media, such as textbook, magazines, and webzine. Today, technology was getting cheaper, easier, and more reliable to get, and made a lot of improvements in the independent scene, especially in Indonesia. Bands who were usually do the hard work and spend a lot of money to promote their bands to get famous with the limited of media, now, is getting easier and also cheaper to be done with all the variety of media in the independent scene in our country.

As we know, media is a “tongue connection” between individual / corporal problems, facts, fictions, or information’s, to the public. A lot of artists and activist promote their talent, ability, or work to the public as the investment of their entrepreneurship. Media has been a vital thing in our life. Without media, maybe we didn’t who is the President of The United States of America now. Or how much cost of victims in Aceh’s Tsunami. Media itself also can drive people point of views. Now, working in media is one of the most prestigious jobs in Indonesia, seeing the geographical, politics, and economy problems that strike Indonesia. But besides resuming the problems in our country, there are still plenty of things that we can expose in media. How about the independent scene in Indonesia? Nowdays, the people who exist in independent scene in Indonesia are still need to be exposed, especially in secluded places in our country. Maybe we could found the hidden talent from our youth in the other side of our country. We are the positive thinking Youth Of The Nation!

I could categorize Ripple Magazine, and Webzine as the most famous independent media in Indonesia. You can check some reference from there!

There are still plenty of things that we can do to support the independent scene in Indonesia. You could be the one who active in Independent scene, or you could be the one who helps the activist of the independent scene, active in independent media. This is the place for us to improve our creativities and talent. It’s open for everybody!

Be creative and positive!

© Broken Plectrum 2006 by Tri Handoyo.

All contents on this weblog, otherwise noted, is licensed under Creative Commons.