

Thursday, October 25, 2007

It's Time to Back To Basic (Welcome!)

It's time to get back to basic!

This will be the end of my post in brokenplectrum. It's been college now, and I hope my new blog could refresh my mind, and continue to do routine writing again (with added fun!).



Peace. :)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

17 Agustus 2007: Itulah Hari Kemerdekaan Kita!

Jumat, 17 agustus 2007 baru saja kita lewati. Dihari yang sama, Jumat, 17 Agustus 1945 pukul 10.00 WIB di Lapangan Banteng, Ir. Soekarno membacakan naskah proklamasi yang menyatakan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Saat kita lihat hari ini, kemerdekaan tampak selayaknya seperti catatan dalam tissue yang terkena percikan air. Semakin pudar dan terlihat layu.

Dimana kemerdekaan yang telah kita tempa selama enam puluh dua tahun ini? E-world sepertinya mengalahkan persatuan kesatuan yang dibacakan Sang Orator pada tanggal yang sama. Penyimpangan nilai-nilai serta norma-norma yang sejak kecil dididik oleh para orang tua diabaikan begitu saja, dengan alasan film-film serta media yang semakin mengampanyekan kemerdekaan dalam hal yang menyimpang.

Kapitalis sepertinya mulai dibangun dari mulai penjajahan ekonomi yang menimbulkan kesenjangan sosial serta pembentukan kelas-kelas sosial yang semakin kontras dan polemik. Hasrat satu nusa-satu bangsa telah berubah menjadi satu raga, satu suara. Berbagai perbedaan sosial yang mementingkan diri sendiri, justru mengangkat kemerdekaan-kemerdekaan antar daerah yang menyebabkan konflik serta perpecahan satu sama lain. RMS, GAM, Papua merdeka, dan segala macam front-front yang ingin memisahkan diri dari bumi pertiwi ini bermunculan dengan alasan-alasan yang semakin kongkrit. Disisi lain, negara-negara maju semakin mendukung keberhasilan front-front tersebut untuk dimanfaatkan secara geografis, untuk kepentingan kapitalis lainnya.

Pemanasan global serta pertumbehan penduduk yang semakin tidak terkontrol, membuat Indonesia kembali galau mengambil segala keputusan. Suatu negara akan terlihat di kancah internasional melalui bidang-bidang yang mempunyai ciri khas suatu negara tersebut. Bagaimana Indonesia bisa menunjukkan ciri khas bangsanya jika perbedaan pendapat serta kebebasan yang disertai dengan pendidikan yang tidak merata, masih menjadi benang yang terkena rintik hujan?

Pendidikan, inovasi, implementasi, serta semangat kebangsaan persatuan dan kesatuan adalah jawaban dari pertanyaan, apa yang harus kita lakukan agar kita bisa keluar dari berbagai macam bencana serta masalah yang dihadapi. Sekarang, ayo kita gunakan kesempatan kita sebagai mahasiswa ITB yang telah mempunyai contoh almamater-almamater yang berjuang keras membangun bangsa ini menjadi bangsa yang mandiri, serta nilai-nilai sejarah yang telah menghantarkan bangsa kepada kemerdekaan ini untuk bekerja keras secara intelektual, bersaing secara global, serta sehat. Caranya adalah, tuntutlah ilmu setinggi-tingginya untuk hal-hal yang menunjang implementasi yang bermanfaat untuk bangsa ini. Bangsa ini mempunyai pemuda-pemudi yang telah menoreh nama-nama baiknya di kancah nasional serta internasional, dan kita, sebagai mahasiswa terbaik bangsa, mempunyai kesempatan untuk itu. Seperti kata Triharyo Soesilo, lulusan Teknik Kimia 1977, Direktur PT Rekayasa Industri, 100% pupuk yang kita gunakan di Indonesia adalah pupuk buatan Indonesia. Serta 70% minyak yang digunakan di Indonesia adalah minyak produksi menunjukkan salah satu contoh pengabdian bangsa Indonesia melalu intelektualisasi serta kontribusi. Sekarang mari kita manfaatkan momentum kemerdekaan kita ini untuk lebih mengarahkan cita-cita kita lebih kepada kontribusi terhadap bangsa. Merdeka!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Writing, Writing, and Writing

Writing now days, seems like is the most expressional media to “speak up”. By the composition of good language and well-structural text writing is the most reliable thing to do. The development of technology makes writing is more easier, faster and cheaper, to be published in public. Let’s say this blog for example. More people are interested to express their mind in blog, proofing the big number of blog providers on the Internet. Some people use it for persuasion, promotion, propaganda, but most of people uses as the place to tell their daily stories.

The most interesting about writing is, we can keep it as our history. Writing could document people activities from they were a child until they’ve grown up. It also taught us to be creative and more diligent in using the correct words for each expression that we want. It could trigger a lot of new kind of word expression. Just read a lot of local or international magazine. They could express the news to be easier to read, from the usual complicated and pandemic tragedies. Or, let’s say a hip-hop musicians, who are usually use a lot of “slang words” to express their critics or lifestyle.

The development of writing is one cause of the development of information technology of the globalization era. Like my quote I added in the sidebar, tells you that now days, being smart is easy, cheap and reliable. The information just could be read by anyone without seeing the class of social statue. People will be satisfied with something in short length that drives you into the pop culture.

The thing that I usually concern is about the content of the writing. With more easier we express and our mind in writing, and publish it, the more less we could find any deep and meaningful content of writing. This has the same effect as the other type of medias, such as television and radio broadcast. The content is about satisfying the commercial advertisement or other business action. If this just go on, the “korban media” / “victims of media” could drives people into commercial minded. That’s why a lot of teenagers now days are searching for some more idealist artist to favor. The smarter teenage with all the expose of information by the development of information technology, they seems ignoring the action of commercialism. It’s because they’re already known what is the purpose of each commercial’s propaganda’s and persuasions to pursue people.

From this situation, we could possible seeing the kids are reading some politics news or magazine, such as Time or Tempo. It’s because the children who always want to know, are searching for the new “trends”. Yes, I say “trends”, because the “do it yourself” and “gue banget” spirit / “it’s my style” spirit is being taught and integrate to the children by the free and reliant of information. They want to be different by knowing the information that is usually consume by the experts. Kids next we can found who has the ability to talk like a lawyer, or to promote like an undergraduate marketing major.

Well, for instant we could see that it’s full of satisfaction. Especially for parents who realized / doesn’t realized that they have very smart and talented children. The point is, if the information isn’t being “drink as dosage”, it will harm children’s psychology. The children wouldn’t feel happy in their kid’s life, because they’ve consume a lot of information in their young life. It could distract their attention to their formal study, which is their first priority t school.

The appreciation of study (which could be seen on the media) seems are getting more and more less. Media, which is getting more freedom to talk, just expose the commercial purposes that will came up money. The commercial things should be carefully taught to the kids, to make them not ”commercial minded” in their young age. To the teenage, I suggest that, we should be more creative and close our mind to God to give us the good way to run life.

Write in the good way to make the children study in the right way!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Filosofi Kopi

Judul Buku:

Filosofi Kopi, Kumpulan Cerita dan Prosa Satu Dekade, 1995-2005
Penulis: Dee (Dewi Lestari)
Penerbit: Gagas Media
Tebal: 134 Halaman
Peresensi: Tri Handoyo

Dee, penulis novel ternama Indonesia lewat novel serial best-sellernya Supernova ini berhasil mengompilasikan kumpulan sastra cerita maupun prosa selama satu dekade sejak tahun 1995 sampai 2005 dalam sebuah “Filosofi Kopi” yang namanya diambil dari salah satu karya yang juga disajikan dalam buku ini.

Sebagian besar cerita yang terkandung dalam “Filosofi Kopi” lebih cenderung mengungkapkan tentang ekspresi cinta, serta gejolak individu melalui tokoh-tokoh cerita berkarakter kuat. Kandungan unsur emosi yang cukup dalam, namun dengan penggunaan kata-kata sehari-hari yang tersusun rapih, membuat karya sastra ini cukup mengalir untuk dibaca. Tidak salah bahwa sang penulis sendiri menyarankan “Filosofi Kopi” sebagai karya sastra yang cocok menjadi teman saat bersantai minum kopi.

Di dalamnya, kita dapat mencerna carik-carik tulisan Dee dengan ciri khasnya yang banyak menggunakan metafora, yang dipadu dengan gramatikal yang tersusun rapih, yang tanpa mengurangi unsur sastra yang ada.

Dari karya sastra Dee yang terbagi atas 18 bagian cerita yang ditulis pada periode tahun yang berbeda-beda ini, kita dapat melihat perkembangan tulisan Dee dari waktu ke waktu, serta meneliti pola pikir Dee mencari jati diri terhadap gaya menulisnya. Namun, “Filosofi Kopi” sendiri tidak disusun berdasarkan periode waktu penulisan, melainkan disusun berdasarkan makna dari masing-masing karya penulisan. Mungkin hal ini ditujukan untuk meraih unsur klimaks dalam karya sastra.

Perpaduan unsur intrinsik serta ekstrinsik juga sangat mempengaruhi ilustrasi pada setiap cerita dalam buku ini. Seperti pada istilah yang dapat kita temui pada prosa “Rico de Coro” yang ditulis Dee tahun 1995, yang bercerita tentang kehidupan sebuah kerajaan kecoa di suatu rumah. Karya tersebut bercerita tentang satu anak kecoa bernama Rico yang jatuh cinta dengan salah seorang anak penghuni rumah bernama Sarah. Rico hampir diberi nama “Tak Tik Boom” (nama sebuah kuis populer di televisi era tahun 1995) oleh bapaknya Hunter yang sering menonton televisi karena tinggal di sebuah lubang dekat televisi. Atau pada prosa “Filosofi Kopi” yang ditulis tahun 1996 tentang seorang barista yang sangat terobsesi dan menganggap kopi sebagai belahan jiwanya, yang diperankan oleh Ben sebagai tokoh utama menggunakan kata ganti orang kedua, dan Jody sebagai tokoh pendamping menggunakan kata ganti orang pertama. Prosa diatas menggambarkan kondisi sebelum krisis moneter tertulis bahwa mata uang Rp 50 sampai Rp150 masih berlaku di pedesaan.

Buku ini dapat dibaca untuk segala kalangan pembaca dari mulai pemula maupun cakap. Namun, buku ini sangat cocok bagi pembaca sastra pemula yang ingin mendalami karya-karya sastra ke tingkat selanjutnya. Tata bahasa yang mengalir, cerita-cerita penenang jiwa, serta prosa-prosa mendalam, merupakan keunggulan utama “Filosofi Kopi”. Fisik buku yang tidak terlalu tebal, juga merupakan satu poin keunggulan “Filosofi Kopi” dari buku karya-karya sastra yang lain.

Tidak salah, pakar-pakar penulis ternama tanah air seperti Arswendo Atmowiloto, Manneke Budiman, FX Rudy Gunawan, serta Goenawan Mohammad, memberikan ulasan yang baik terhadap karya sastra ini.

Ada beberapa prosa yang mungkin bagi pembaca pemula mungkin terasa cukup berat, karena menampilkan unsur emosi yang cukup dalam. Namun makna tersirat dalam “Filosofi Kopi” masih cukup jelas untuk dipahami. Gabungan cerita dengan prosa mungkin terasa tidak saling berhubungan satu sama lain dan megedepankan unsur emosi, makna-makna tersirat, serta klimaks dari cerita. Organisasi buku yang tidak disusun berdasarkan waktu penulisan juga sedikit menghambat pembaca yang ingin menganalisa perkembangan pandangan-pandangan tulisan (piont of view) Dee dari waktu ke waktu.

Ada dua hal yang ditekankan pada karya-karya Dee selama satu dekade ini. Keduanya adalah cinta, dan kejujuran.

Monday, October 09, 2006


Tri Handoyo himself has create his "public personal" blog to all of you. It have just been developed last week.

Check it out!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Tri Handoyo's Quote

Friday, September 22, 2006 - Karya Tuna Netra

It’s a great achievement for Indonesia to have very talented youth who exist in this globalization era. Internet is one of the most reliable technologies to be able to access lots of web sites. Although we seen most of them are ordinary, this one is a very special one. This is the website that is fully develop by Indonesian inclusion student., (Karya Tuna Netra) the web which is develop by Irawan Mulyanto, M. Ikhwan Toriqo, Dimas Prasetyo Muharam, and Aris Yohanes E, as the administrator, (two at the last are my school friends at Sixty Six High School) shown the high potential of Indonesian youth to be able to compete with this globalization competition. The name “Kartunet” is taken from the fact that all the developers of this web are all blind person. The web is about the media for appreciation. Not only blind person who is the members of this web, but it’s open for everybody who wants to publish their creation on the web.

We could send some poetry, short story, critics, or any kind of writing that they will publish it to all of us. If we see in a long term, this media could make their own market that will be loved and joined by lots literature, or journalist lovers. If you see the design of the web, you will be amazed by the system that is working inside the web. They’ve used language such as PHP, MySQL, CSS, and Javascript beside the basic language, HTML. The web also featured standard commercial web facilities such as Guest Book, Opinion, Search Engine, Weather Forecast, Web Statistic, Polling, Music, and other professional commercial web feature.

Inside the web, we could see their creation such as short story, poetry, critics, and any kind of writing in the level that we cannot describe it as beginner. We can read some interesting stories from Ari titled “Ucup Yang Bodoh” / “Stupid Ucup”, some sharp and inspirational critics “Masihkah Ada Nasionalisme Kita?” / “Do We Still Have Our Nationalism?” or “Perjuangan Yang Patah” / “Broken Fighting Spirit” from Dimas Prasetyo Muharam arguing about nationalism and the development of Indonesia, or some connected stories from Rafik Akbar. also features editorial about politics, economy, social, sports, culture & art, computer, and some entertainment feature such as games and zodiac.

This web is fully developed free and not profit-oriented, and the developers are learning the language by autodidact. The thing that I amazed about the design of the web, they could arrange the template as a very user-friendly to the visitors. We could see the feature such as Guest Book, Comment Sheet, Web Statistic and Polling which are fully designed by them. Although it’s all dominated in Indonesian Language, (because they want to have local traffic first), they have lots of international visitors from neighbor countries such as Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia, and other continent in the world such as Puerto Rico and Sweden. It has been a symbol of “modern fight” in the future, to be able to compete with “modern colonizer” which is knowledge and creativity.

If we see the situation in Indonesia, the government is still seems to ignore the existence of disability people. They are still not seeing the potential of disability people, which fortunately can make great name for Indonesia. Only some foundation that supports disables persons to exist in Indonesia. is one of the media that shown the existence of blind people in Indonesia, which is still ignored by the problems of politics and economy that never ends. The government must be able to give appreciation for the people who brought good names for the country, to motivate them to keep doing the job, or at least to make them stay at Indonesia.

Their disability is not being their barrier to exist in this globalization era., which is fully, develop by a group of blind people in Indonesia, shown that everything that we want and do it with work hard, must be able to achieve it. This is one of example that everyone must be ready to face the globalization era, as people point of views, grow to be more selective and tight, that globalization era is not seeing people from it’s expertise anymore, but they would see creativity to develop a new innovation in the future.

They have one point to say, in "Tentang Kami" / "About Us":

"Walau kami mengatakan bahwa website ini dibuat sebagai wadah karya tunanetra, namun, kami mengharapkan hasil kreatifitas dari seluruh masyarakat dapat dipublikasikan melalui website ini."

"Although we said that this web site is filled with creations of blind persons, we also hope that people creativity could also be publicized in this web site."



© Broken Plectrum 2006 by Tri Handoyo.

All contents on this weblog, otherwise noted, is licensed under Creative Commons.